If there ever comes a day...

If there ever comes a day...


As I Sit in Heaven - Engraved Corian - 8"x8"


Love the People God Gave You - 6.5" x 9.5" Corian Tile


Perhaps the Stars in the Sky - 6" x 6" Corian Tile


When Someone You Love -- 8x8 Corian Tile

IMG_4783[1].JPG IMG_4781[1].JPG

A Limb Has Fallen -- 6.5" x 9.5"

IMG_3424[1].JPG IMG_3424[1].JPG

As I Sit in Heaven - 6.5" x 9.5" Corian Tile


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

"A Limb has fallen..." Corian Tile 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 IMG_0460.JPG

"A Limb has fallen..." Corian Tile 6 1/2 x 9 1/2

"Gone yet not forgotten..."  Corian Tile 8 x 8 IMG_1035.JPG

"Gone yet not forgotten..." Corian Tile 8 x 8

"And He will raise you up on Eagle's Wings..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile IMG_0365.JPG

"And He will raise you up on Eagle's Wings..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

"Love the people God gave you..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile IMG_0673.JPG

"Love the people God gave you..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

IMG_1056 - Copy.JPG IMG_1060 - Copy.JPG

"If every tear we shed..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"Memories are timeless treasures..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_0903.JPG

"Memories are timeless treasures..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"A cord of three strands..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile IMG_0635.JPG

"A cord of three strands..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

"As I sit in Heaven..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile IMG_0544.JPG

"As I sit in Heaven..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

"When someone you love becomes a Memory..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_0602.JPG

"When someone you love becomes a Memory..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"Your wings were ready..."  8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_1007.JPG

"Your wings were ready..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"Gone yet not forgotten..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_1035.JPG

"Gone yet not forgotten..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"If God brings you..." IMG_0929.JPG

"If God brings you..."

"Stars are openings in Heaven.." 5 1/2 x 7 Corian Tile IMG_1073.JPG

"Stars are openings in Heaven.." 5 1/2 x 7 Corian Tile

"Perhaps the stars in the sky..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_0687.JPG

"Perhaps the stars in the sky..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"A limb has fallen from the family tree..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_1263.JPG

"A limb has fallen from the family tree..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

IMG_1324.JPG IMG_1325.JPG

"Grief Never ends, but..." 12 x 12 Corian Tile

IMG_0535.JPG IMG_0544.JPG

"As I sit in Heaven..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

"When someone you love becomes a memory..." 12 x 12 Corian Tile IMG_1315.JPG

"When someone you love becomes a memory..." 12 x 12 Corian Tile

IMG_1360.JPG IMG_1366.JPG

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky..." 6 x 6 Corian Tile

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together..." 6 x 6 Corian Tile IMG_0880.JPG

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together..." 6 x 6 Corian Tile

"When life gives you more than you can stand..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile IMG_0851.JPG

"When life gives you more than you can stand..." 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 Corian Tile

"Those we love don't go away..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_0744.JPG

"Those we love don't go away..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"There are Good Ships..." 9x6 Friendship Corian Tile IMG_2277 - Copy.JPG

"There are Good Ships..." 9x6 Friendship Corian Tile

"Grief Never Ends but It Changes..." 12x12 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2293 - Copy.JPG

"Grief Never Ends but It Changes..." 12x12 Sympathy Corian Tile

"Stars are Openings in Heaven..." 12x12 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2321 - Copy.JPG

"Stars are Openings in Heaven..." 12x12 Sympathy Corian Tile

"There are good ships and there are wood ships, but the best ships are friendships and may they always be." 5.5 x 7.5 Friendship Corian Tile IMG_2445 - Copy.JPG

"There are good ships and there are wood ships, but the best ships are friendships and may they always be." 5.5 x 7.5 Friendship Corian Tile

"New Home, New Adventures, New Memories" 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_2350.JPG

"New Home, New Adventures, New Memories" 8 x 8 Corian Tile

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings..."  6 x 6 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2496.JPG

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings..." 6 x 6 Sympathy Corian Tile

"Perhaps They Are Not Stars..." 6x6 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2501.JPG

"Perhaps They Are Not Stars..." 6x6 Sympathy Corian Tile

"Gone yet not forgotten..." 8 x 8 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2478.JPG

"Gone yet not forgotten..." 8 x 8 Sympathy Corian Tile

"A limb has fallen from the family tree..." 8 x 11 Sympathy Corian Tile IMG_2388.JPG

"A limb has fallen from the family tree..." 8 x 11 Sympathy Corian Tile

A LIMB HAS fallen from the family tree -8 x 8 Laser Engraved Corian Home Decor IMG_2464.JPG

A LIMB HAS fallen from the family tree -8 x 8 Laser Engraved Corian Home Decor

"Family..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile IMG_2402.JPG

"Family..." 8 x 8 Corian Tile

Always Remember You Are Braver than You Think... 6.5x 9.5 Corian Tile IMG_2550 - Copy.JPG

Always Remember You Are Braver than You Think... 6.5x 9.5 Corian Tile

My Mind still talks to  you, Dandelion 8x8 Corian Tile Home Decor IMG_2777.JPG

My Mind still talks to you, Dandelion 8x8 Corian Tile Home Decor

My Mind still talks to  you, Ocean 8x8 Corian Home Decor IMG_2753.JPG

My Mind still talks to you, Ocean 8x8 Corian Home Decor

Side by side or miles apart, we are Sisters connected by HEART - 6” x 6” Laser Engraved Corian Home Decor IMG_2743.JPG

Side by side or miles apart, we are Sisters connected by HEART - 6” x 6” Laser Engraved Corian Home Decor

Our Family - A circle of strength and love. One of life's greatest blessings. 8" x 8" Corian Home Decor IMG_2788.JPG

Our Family - A circle of strength and love. One of life's greatest blessings. 8" x 8" Corian Home Decor

As I Sit In Heaven, 8x8 Corian Home Decor IMG_2996.JPG

As I Sit In Heaven, 8x8 Corian Home Decor

As I Sit In Heaven, 8x8 Corian Home Decor IMG_3006.JPG

As I Sit In Heaven, 8x8 Corian Home Decor

The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been, and the memories we've made along the way. 8" x 8" Corian Home Decor IMG_3013.JPG

The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been, and the memories we've made along the way. 8" x 8" Corian Home Decor
